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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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The Solar farm is out by Reed Rd, on the far end of Safari land. There will be nothing in the Theme Park that has anything to do with the Solar Farm. Any power produced goes into the Power Grid, the Park will not run off it directly.

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^ And to add to that, Six Flags barely has anything to do with the solar field. SF is just leasing the land to KDC Solar. KDC Solar owns and maintains the panels. KDC Solar "sells" electricity to the park, but really, it just gets puts onto the power grid as if it were any other power generation plant. I don't know exactly how the "certificates" work, but I believe essentially KDC Solar sells them to local businesses (mainly Six Flags), and they essentially result in SF paying less for power. Everything in the park just draws power as usual from the power grid.


EDIT: The planning board meeting notes did state they are building a substation on rt 537 near the employee entrance.

Edited by Matt Kaiser
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I worked with PSE&G for 13yrs, i know all about Net-Meter project's. The only thing that will really have to do is swap out some of the park's Meter's. Any place that adds Solar Panel's get's a "Net-Meter", and baisically that's just a Meter that can record energy that is put into the Grid, as well as taken out of the grid (like normal elec Meters) And JCP&L already has one of the park's sub-station's on 537, right by the Employee entrance. I bet with the amount of Elec a 100acre Solar Farm can generate, they need to add a sub-station for the power output the Park generates. And NJ's Board Of Public Utility's (BPU) is one of the toughest in the Country. If they signed off on this, and they did, the benefits outweigh the Tree loss. They shot down PSE&G merging with another company, because PSE&G would of been ran from Chicago.

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As of yesterday, the Sea Lion's were in the pool at Fort Independence. I saw them on the Skyride (think i have a shot) But the pool is not being maintained, algea is turning the pool walls a black color. I think after this season they are going out to Discovery Kingdom. They can not be kept full time time in the Temple Of The Tiger. And the Fireworks are on for the 4th Celebration weekend, so nothing major will happen before that.

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I think it is a good chance they knock it down and I think it would be a good idea in my opinion. They don't maintain it well so there is no reason to keep it.

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Just like a Wingrider in Chiller's old spot is a "good fit". A "good fit" in that area is a Station in "Aqua Stadium's" spot, a lift hill straight back on that penninsula. Either have it run "out and back", or around the lake to come back to the Station. With the Grandstand looking like it will go, they could do it either way. But the gate between Blackbeard's and the Aqua Stadium was open for Boy Scout Camp Out a couple week's ago, and you could see all the way back down the dirt road that runs out there. It's is ALOT of space. But the view's of a "opened up" Lake with the Grandstand gone and a coaster running on back side of it, would be incredible.

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According to a source. They are taking out Fort Independence and the Grand Stand. Anyone think that's legit?


I've heard the same...and other than the Safari I don't think they want to be taking care of any more animals.

Fort Independence needs some major work...just like RT it is probably cheaper to tear it down.

I also used to love the water ski and stunt shows on the lakefront. One of my favorite quite areas of the park.

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Someone pointed this out on another forum, but that strip of land is narrow and straight, and a BT:TR (SFFT) would fit in that area

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I'm sorry, but if they go ahead and destroy this last (somewhat) wooded area of the park in favor of anything comprised of concrete and metal, they have lost me for good. If they tear down the Aqua Stadium because of maintenance issues, I seriously see little hope for this park. If Six Flags' biggest problem is their inability to properly maintain a park's infrastructure, then, quite frankly, they shouldn't be in the theme park business. If they want to treat their key assets as disposable, they will have become nothing more than the tacky, carnival/amusement parks that they themselves had tried so hard NOT to be when they gave birth to the first successful regional theme park. A theme park without consistent themes, no shows, or even a remote feeling of having escaped the real world in favor of a fantasy-like place, is nothing more than an amusement park or carnival. While I have never met any of the company's current management, they clearly are not true theme park veterans or even have the slightest inkling of how to successfully operate a theme park, nonetheless, what is supposed to be the world's largest theme park. The whole notion of guest satisfaction really seems to be nonexistent with this group of people and their own reckless management of the company's assets really should be looked into by the board of directors and influential shareholders.

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^^^Agree^^^ We have hints of a theme park..but little else...Its odd that Feista Texas gets shows, cohesive themes, and is well thought out. Were as we the cash cow of the chain. loose all thats been stated over and over again. Trees gone, flower beds gone, shows, gone, (Not talking concerts and small acts here and there) Talking real entertainment, sit down and watch and listen for 35 mins. Decent food in our three major restaurants. And please kill the piped in music...or turn it down to back ground level...And this is my own thought here on the lake fromt...I belive it has to stay as is for water in the lake..and run off form the park itself.I maybe wrong...but we neve did see all the ships and boats that were to don the lake and waterways in the park. even the old paddle boats were confind to the little slip between the flumes course.

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^ To be honest, Fiesta Texas is in a pretty awful state these days. You can still see the relics of Gaylord- and Time Warner-era theming, but none of it has been maintained in decades at this point. And, of course, recent management has thrown tacky ads and theme-killing displays anywhere they'll fit.


They still have a comparatively large entertainment budget, but cuts are evident there, too.


Unfortunately, the big trend at the moment is the mall-ification of "theme" parks. At least Cedar Fair has done a better job of maintaining theming at the old Paramount parks than SF has at any of its facilities.

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^Your took the words out of my mouth. I completely agree. Six Flags Gadv isn't meant to have a real cohesive theme anymore, it's turned to a place that teens mostly go. With the exception of the Golden Kingdom and Plaza Del Carnival, Six Flags Gadv doesn't have anymore great themed areas.

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^With a little bit of money and effort they could create some fantastic themed areas. If the lakestand was to go they could add some new flats and kids rides to be themes to whimsical creatures for the "Fantasy Forest" and add colorful lights and props. With the demolition of the Stadium they could add paddle boats, pirate boats, some sort of water attraction and theme that area to skull mountain to Pirates and Such. For Goodness Sake Movietown is practically Gotham City so make it just that and add new props to give it that vibe! Idc what anyone says having Batman as a theme is probably the coolest thing ever than none of these other companies can get. And Old Country is more than likely to become the North Pole for HITP. The impressions are there but for some reason the corporation doesn't give it that extra time and effort to complete the illusion that GA needs to become a themed park

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Let's get real here. The company itself bills the park as the world's largest theme park, not the world's largest amusement park. And, yes, Great Adventure does compete directly with the Busch/Sea World parks. And, Chrislovescoasters and KK456 you are each missing the key point being made in that a park (of any kind) the size of Great Adventure (which is significantly larger than any other regional theme park in the U.S.) also comes with significantly higher costs of every kind. This park is NOT a profitable operation with attendance levels of about 2 million. It wasn't profitable in 1974 with those levels of attendance and there is no way it is profitable now with a significantly greater proportion of it's land developed. Successful theme parks are those that appeal to the widest possible section of the market (whether we are talking about a regional park or destination park does not matter). To succeed, you must attract the highest attendance possible from your market and maximize the in-park spending of each and every guest. My fear, here, is that you are absolutely correct that GA now has lost (and continues to lose) its appeal to anyone other than those who want nothing more than roller coasters and carnival rides on cement. Well, those coasters are extremely expensive relative to their ability to draw consistently high attendance because they have very limited appeal. Sadly, the solar farm is certainly an attempt by the company to somehow generate a profit by again cutting costs. Bottom line, if Great Adventure can't attract higher attendance by appealing to a much broader segment of the market, I seriously doubt we'll be seeing it around all that much longer. Again, if the company can't maintain the infrastructure it already has, it makes zero sense to be continually wasting money on high priced roller coasters which do not pay for themselves because of their limited appeal in numbers and time.

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I'm sorry, but if they go ahead and destroy this last (somewhat) wooded area of the park in favor of anything comprised of concrete and metal, they have lost me for good. If they tear down the Aqua Stadium because of maintenance issues, I seriously see little hope for this park. If Six Flags' biggest problem is their inability to properly maintain a park's infrastructure, then, quite frankly, they shouldn't be in the theme park business. If they want to treat their key assets as disposable, they will have become nothing more than the tacky, carnival/amusement parks that they themselves had tried so hard NOT to be when they gave birth to the first successful regional theme park. A theme park without consistent themes, no shows, or even a remote feeling of having escaped the real world in favor of a fantasy-like place, is nothing more than an amusement park or carnival. While I have never met any of the company's current management, they clearly are not true theme park veterans or even have the slightest inkling of how to successfully operate a theme park, nonetheless, what is supposed to be the world's largest theme park. The whole notion of guest satisfaction really seems to be nonexistent with this group of people and their own reckless management of the company's assets really should be looked into by the board of directors and influential shareholders.

You obviously dont know who John Fitzgerald is. He has run parks in Germany and America and they we all succsessful. If anyone will bring great adventure back to its former glory its him.

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Great Adventure has the strongest attendance, and is the most profitable park in the Chain, no matter what anyone's "opinion" is. The fact is what Great Adventure is doing now, is working. All the #'s are up across the Board. People really need to let go of this "1970's" vision of the park. Those days are gone, and will never be back.

Edited by Railer
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People really need to let go of this "1970's" vision of the park. Thoise days are gone, and will never be back.

Thank you, this can't be stated enough. Great Adventure never lived up to the ambitious vision it was created with, so to expect it now is refusing to accept reality. For what it's worth, I happen to think the park is heading in the right direction.
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I also think the park is going in the right direction, but you guys need to realize that none of the six flags parks do well on theming and they don't really pay attention to it. It doesn't matter about it being the biggest in the end the president of six flags doesn't pay attention to theming and focus on roller coasters instead. They can put theming but what's the point if they're bad at it.

Edited by Chrislovescoasters
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