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Today i went to the park with my cousins and sister. We got to the park at around 5:15 and headed right for Nitro. The line was at the first q and we only waited 25 minutes with 3 trains going it went fast. Next we went to Bizarro, on the way we stopped at the coke tent, the air condition was great and we got the free coke, very small but still refreshing. Bizarro's line was about a 15 minutes. The ride was smoother than usual today, mayebee the train? It was row B-7. Next we went to El Toro, the wait was 45 minutes. As soon as we got to the station it broke down, they maid everyone get out and sent it and the other train on a test run. This took about 15 minets+ so the wait was really an hour. After that we went to Rolling Thunder, my sister and cousin sat out while me and my other cousin went on. She insisted that we go on the right side (the horrible side) and sit in the very last seat on the train, a wheel seat. I was actually scared because we were in the worst seat and on the right side. It was very very rough but fun. I honestly love being banged around on that ride, we raced against the last left side disbach of the day. Overall i had a great day, only that i got 4 rides.




Ride Count:


Nitro: 1

Bizarro: 1

El Toro: 1

Rolling Thunder (Right) : 1=





Drinks- 7-11 Slushie

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