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Fright Fest 2011


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Thanks, I read up about that stuff on the many DIY haunt sites. All I can afford are the Blucky skeletons, Blucky01.JPG


Anyone remember how back in the 90s, GADV used to have a whole mess of these guys all over thepark?

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Why not just move DMP to the old Eruption site? So much open space, and still outdoors and near the old location so folks wouldn't miss it. A walk-through in the simulator site would be brilliant, but doubtful. I think the indoor walk-through stigma is still there.



Do you mean Evolution? If so, I was thinking about the same thing. Unless they move it into the NS Arena or the Stunt arena, the Evolution site would make sence because of the large amount of space. They also need to consider a spot that the Parade can end up at that isn't too far away from Movietown.

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Are we keeping our two old trails, too? I'll be there tonight to check things out...


I think the other two will be staying, (Asylum & Forest), but we have not heard anything official yet.


The new maze looks cool, too bad they are still making the mazes an upcharge.

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I think the other two will be staying, (Asylum & Forest), but we have not heard anything official yet.


The new maze looks cool, too bad they are still making the mazes an upcharge.


They have to find some way to squeeze every penny they can out of guests cake-surprise.gif

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  • 2 months later...

gotta say this years FF was a smash, last year was nowhere near as busy, say the Ghoulmasters Ghosts show and gotta admit its pretty well produced, DMP as ussual is amazing, hypnosteria is hands down the dumbest show, still havent caught the zambora deal or the freak show, hoping to this last weekend. all in all i have to say its been a great year at the park and looks like next years only going to be better! Next year DMP will be relox=cated to an unknown location and the Big wheel will remain open all season, the flume has been open most of fright fest( atleast on saturday it was open), and with the new ride additions i can onlyu see FF getting bigger and better next season!

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My opinion will likely be pretty unpopular here...


I'm tired of DMP - it's well done, but it's time to retire it. Correction: it's PAST time to retire it.


GA seriously needs to start thinking outside the box... switch things up. I went last weekend and was back in my car by 6:34. Seriously.


I've had friends and family ask me what their advice is regarding FF. I tell them if they're looking for rides (that aren't a ferris wheel), go to GA. If the Halloween experience is what they want, go to Dorney.

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I hope they keep DMP since it is the only good thing about FF left. It should be moved to a proper stage and upgraded some. Ghoulmaster's show is bad, the terror trails aren't worth the upcharge, the park barely decorates for Halloween anymore, GADV's FF is pretty much a joke compared to other parks Halloween events.


Also it looks like the weather for the final weekend is going to suck this year. Friday is only going to be 53, Saturday is going to be a pretty cold 50 with showers, and Sunday will be a little better with Sun but still a cold 54. Of course after the parks close it will warm up to 60 but at least it will be warmer for the Trick or Treaters.

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I hope they keep DMP since it is the only good thing about FF left. It should be moved to a proper stage and upgraded some.


I'd rather see it go away and perhaps come back on an anniversary year, making it special again. The company has a bunch of pre-packaged show tracks to choose from, but the park's entertainment department has always taken the "well, this is the way we've always done it" approach...


Busch Gardens switches things up every 2 - 3 years: scare zones, shows, haunted houses... it REALLY keeps you on your toes....

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I'd rather see it go away and perhaps come back on an anniversary year, making it special again. The company has a bunch of pre-packaged show tracks to choose from, but the park's entertainment department has always taken the "well, this is the way we've always done it" approach...


Busch Gardens switches things up every 2 - 3 years: scare zones, shows, haunted houses... it REALLY keeps you on your toes....



Thats nothing, Universal changes things every year. GADV has done some changes to FF in recent years and they all stink. If they did replace DMP it would probably be with something super lame and then FF would be a total joke. I know alot of people like change but I don't because change is almost always for the worst.

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First of all, I thought that this year's FF was very last minute and not planned out the way most guests would like it. When I was working I overheard some guests saying,"this year's FF really sucks." If SF brought more attention to being prepared (actually including Bone Butcher's T.)and a greater emphasis on the new Terror Trail, then the guests would have had a greater FF experience like in past years. On the DMP issue, I think the show should stay. I personally think the show makes the FF experience that much greater. The upgrade of the stage will make the show so much better! If they change the show the FF experience would change dramatically (personally I don't like change). FF this year was satisfactory. Hopefully, next year is better.

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